صفية زغلول كانت ناشطة سياسة ومن اوائل الاعضاء في حزب الوفد.
بعد نفى زوجها الزعيم سعد زغلول عام 1919 لعبت دورا هاما في الحزب وأصبح بيتها مركزا للقاء اعضاء الحزب.
لقبت صفية زغلول بأم المصريين وكذلك أطلق على بيتها اسم بيت الأمة.
Zaghloul was an Egyptian renowned political activist and among the early members of the Wafd Party. After the exile of her husband, Saad Zaghloul in 1919, she became a central figure of the party, and her home a meeting point for the party members. She became known as Umm al-Misriyyin (The Mother of the Egyptians) and her home in Cairo was called as "Bayt al-Umma" (the House of the Nation).